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php[podcast] 24.05.21

php[podcast] 24.05.21

- May 21, 2024


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PHP’s Magic Methods

May 19, 2024
PHP's Magic Methods

As PHP developers, we need to know a lot of language features to make our code easy to write and maintain. Without explicitly being told about a part of the language, it’s hard to even know it exists, so today, we’re going to discuss the magic methods our classes have and how we should use […]

Getting Up And Running With Laravel Sail

February 14, 2024

Docker is one of the best ways to have a consistent environment across multiple computers, but for new developers (and even not-so-new developers), it can be hard to understand and set up. Thankfully, the Laravel team has created Laravel Sail to make Docker a much easier tool to use when we’re working on Laravel projects. […]

Getting Started With Docker

February 6, 2024

“Works on my machine” it’s a common refrain before closing out a bug ticket. This hides the fact that something is different between your development and production environments. There are a bunch of ways to resolve this problem but one of the easiest is to use a solution like Docker to make sure our development […]

Creating Finite State Machines in PHP 8.3

January 31, 2024

As developers, we’re constantly managing where entities are in some flow. Entities like blog posts, multi-step user registration, and even UI elements can exist in multiple states, and we’re responsible for making sure that they’re always in a valid state. If something unexpected happens in those flows, it can cause bugs, which can cause us […]

What Are Finite State Machines

January 29, 2024

As developers, we’re constantly managing where entities are in some state. Entities like blog posts, multi-step user registration, and even UI elements can exist in multiple states, and we’re responsible for making sure that they’re always in a valid state. If something unexpected happens in those flows, it can cause bugs, which can cause us […]

Stacks With SplStack

January 2, 2024

As developers, we have times when we get to process a lot of data. Sometimes it’s a few kilobytes of data and we don’t need to worry about the performance because computers are so fast. When we’re looking at gigabytes or more of data then we need to be aware of the performance of our […]

Getting Started With the Pest Testing Framework

October 19, 2023
Getting Started With the Pest Testing Framework

As a practitioner of test-driven development, I’m always looking for different ways to write test code faster. Sometimes, this comes as little things like learning a faster way to run my tests using a built-in editor setting, but sometimes it’s a whole new way to write my tests. In this article, we’re going to discuss […]

Let’s Get Our OSS Ready For Hacktoberfest 2023

September 27, 2023
Lets Get Our OSS Ready For Hacktoberfest 2023

As maintainers of open source projects, it’s important to try and bring people into our project so that we’re not the only ones maintaining the project. There are lots of ways to do this, like creating blog posts about the project, contributing articles to magazines, or talking about the project at conferences. Another option is […]