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PHP Swag Store Now Open

Posted by on September 30, 2014

We just launched our brand new Swag Store where you can buy your own plush friend or other PHP branded gear for yourself.  Our options will be expanding in the near future, so look forward to seeing more T-shirts and other products appearing.

We also want to hear from you!  Please drop us a line and let us know what PHP branded products you would like to see! We will do our best to make it happen.

As always, we offer free shipping to anyone in the USA, and the cheapest shipping costs possible to the rest of the world.


Eli has been a PHP coder since the day PHP 4 was released. He's worked for numerous companies in the past, such as, Zend Technologies, TripAdvisor, mojoLive, and Goodsie. Though found himself in love with the PHP community so deeply that he ended up here at php[architect], and loves what he does. Conferences, magazine, books, training - Teaching people the love for the language that he himself has.

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i think its cool if you add ZCE or ZCFE tshirt 🙂

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