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Web Security : In-Person Training : February 11th

Posted by on January 7, 2015

Are you handling user input correctly, storing passwords securely, and guarding against SQL Injection and other attacks?

If you’re not sure, joins us on Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 we are offering a one-day version of our online Web Security training live and in-person in the Washington, D.C. area. If you missed this course on training day at php[world], this is another opportunity to learn how to secure your web applications through lecture and hands-on exercises.

Eli White will be the instructor and will share his experience being the web security expert for such companies as, Zend, the Hubble Space Telescope Program, TripAdvisor, Goodsie, and others.

This class will take place from 8am-5pm at the Sheraton Premiere at Tyson’s Corner, VA.  This is the same location that we held our php[world] conference at, and is extremely easy to access via the Metro System. It is a short walk from the Spring Hill station on the Silver line. The hotel also has plenty of parking. Beverages will be provided throughout the day; however, you will be on your own for lunch.  Many nearby options exist including the hotel restaurant itself.

Tickets are normally $550, however you buy during our Early Bird sale until January 16th for only $445 and save $105!  If you have any questions please email us or find us on twitter @phparch.

Buy your tickets today!

Event Registration Online for Web & PHP Security Training powered by Eventbrite

Event Details

Sheraton Premiere
8661 Leesburg Pike
Tysons Corner, VA 22182

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EST)

Eli has been a PHP coder since the day PHP 4 was released. He's worked for numerous companies in the past, such as, Zend Technologies, TripAdvisor, mojoLive, and Goodsie. Though found himself in love with the PHP community so deeply that he ended up here at php[architect], and loves what he does. Conferences, magazine, books, training - Teaching people the love for the language that he himself has.

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