Elephpant Ware arrives!
Launching a new project is always fun, and this one has been a blast! I love t-shirts, especially cool ones; so it is with great pride that I get to announce php|architect’s latest project, Elephpant Ware: Wearable art for PHP developers.
php|architect has a history of great t-shirts, everything from “Support Animal Testing” to “Less Bitching, more fixing”. Each of them has been unique, and we always smile when we see people wearing them at conferences. It’s time though to take it up a notch, and that’s what we are doing with Elephpant Ware. Each design we release will be unique, beautiful, and something you are going to want to have come conference time, at your next BarCamp, or anytime you just want to fly your geek flag.
Head over to elephpantware.com and take a look at the inaugural design. We think you are going to like it.
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