You’ve probably noticed that many companies creating richInternet applications (RIAs) use the terms Flex and Java almostinterchangeably. It’s a commonly held belief that only Javatechnology can deliver the features needed to run a serious RIA.But those of us who work with PHP every day know that it cancompete with Java in almost any market and even best it in a fewmajor areas.—by Richard Bates
Zend Framework and Dojo Foundation have partnered to deliverout-of-the-box Ajax and rich user interface support for ZendFramework applications.—by Matthew Weier O'Phinney
VCL for PHP is a new approach to developing PHP webapplications, not only allowing you to use a Visual IDE, but toapply techniques used when building desktop applications.—by José León Serna
Web developers are not normally involved in desktopapplication development, but with Adobe AIR, you can use PHP tostart creating powerful desktop RIAs.—by Ricky Robinett
Representational State Transfer, or REST, has become the hip,new buzzword of Web 2.0. But what really makes an applicationRESTful? Re-examine what really makes REST.—by Ben Ramsey
The earlier you can tackle an issue, the lower the cost ofthe issue. In the design phase, while there is not any code tomaintain, you are in a good position to tackle architectural issuessuch as the scalability of an application.—by Ivo Jansch
Using well-established naming conventions can benefit thewhole community, make things a lot clearer, and preventbackwards-compatibility issues with users’ code.—by Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson
Cross-site scripting attacks are using vulnerabilies in3rd-party software to gain access to your users, and you may behelping them if you let your users upload files to yoursite.—by Arne Blankerts
Marco finally tries out his iPhone to see what all the hypeis about, and sees some parallels between Mac and UNIX.—by Marco Tabini
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