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Welcome to CodeWorks, Ed Finkler!

Posted by on June 9, 2009

Ed Finkler is a web application developer, security expert, graphic designer, and dabbling musician. He works for The Center for Education
and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) at Purdue University
, and is a member of the PHP Security Consortium. He is a frequent speaker at PHP, Open Source and technology conferences such as php|tek, ZendCon, OSCON, and SXSW among others. His projects include:

  • Spaz – An award–winning, open source Twitter client, available on Mac OSX, Windows and Linux. Also now available for the Palm Pre!
  • Inspekt – A comprehensive input filtering and validation library for PHP4 and PHP5
  • PhpSecInfo – A PHP Environment Security Auditing Tool
  • LameBrain – A LAME-based mp3 converter/CD ripper for OS X

Some little-known facts about Ed:

  • He released two albums of music in the late 90s/early 00s
  • He self-published several video gaming and music fanzines in his teens
  • Got his Bachelor’s degree in English, and had planned on being a writer until web site development better fed his ADD
  • Still owns dozens of old gaming consoles and computers, including an original Magnavox Odyssey
  • He has written for Ars Technica
  • He has a west coast doppleganger that looks nothing like him
  • This is not the
    Funkatron you are looking for.

Ed will be speaking about creating desktop RIAs with PHP and JavaScript, and giving an introduction to CodeIgniter.

Marco is the keeper of keys and Chief Garbage Collector at Blue Parabola. He can be found on Twitter as @mtabini.
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