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Win a free ticket to tek ’12!

Posted by on April 13, 2012

Ok PHP fans, we don’t do this often, but once a year we do give away a ticket to php|tek to one lucky programmer. This year, however, you are going to have to work for it. Starting Friday, April 13th, 2012, those of us who work at php|architect will tweet clues, and you are going on a web scavenger hunt. That’s right, dig up other people’s websites, trash their JavaScript and generally make a nuisance of yourself as you follow the clues to the…well, you’ll just have to wait and see. 🙂

@e3betht, @mtabini, and of course myself, @calevans will start tweeting around 8:00 AM EDT and continue giving hints about once an hour until all the prizes are claimed. Oh, did I mention there were other prizes?

  • 1st place – a ticket to php|tek ’12. You get to join hundreds of other PHP developers for 3 and 1/2 days of learning, hacking, and making new friends.
  • 2nd Place – a ticket to our next Virtual Summit. We are already planning the next Virtual Summit, and it’s going to be every bit as good as the first two. If you are the second place winner, you will be our guest.
  • 3rd Place – any three books from the php|architect catalog. Ebook or dead tree, you get to pick three. We’ll even let you see the ones we’ve got in the works so you can choose from them as well. To be a developer is to keep learning, and there aren’t many better ways to keep up than reading a good book.
  • SPECIAL BONUS – Anyone who submits the correct answer on Friday gets 12 months of php|architect magazine. That’s right; it’s the gift that keeps on giving the whole year long. You will join thousands of other PHP developers each month in learning something new or tuning up existing skills.

So set your alarm clocks and have the coffee ready… One lucky winner is going to Chicago, and everyone who plays can win!

Submit your winning entry on this page

  • This contest is void where prohibited.
  • All entries must be submitted via the entry submission form to be considered.
  • All judges’ decisions are final.











Cal Evans is a veteran of the browser wars. (BW-I, the big one) He has been programming for more years than he likes to remember but for the past [redacted] years he's been working strictly with PHP, MySQL and their friends. Cal regularly speaks at PHP users groups and conferences, writes articles and wanders the net looking for trouble to cause. He blogs on an "as he feels like it" basis at Postcards from my life.

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