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Solar Framework approaches 1.0 release with Beta 4

Posted by on February 15, 2010

Paul M. Jones, founder and lead developer of the Solar Framework for PHP, recently announced the release of Solar Framework 1.0.0Beta4. The very complete and copious release notes can be found here.

In reading the release notes, the main change in Beta4 seems to deal with how models handle child records.

To recap the problem, I very much want to remove the need for the following idiom in records where you have to access a related object:

// where 'foo' is a related record or collection ...

if (! $this->foo) {
    $this->;foo = $this->newRelated('foo');

// ... now you can be sure that $this->foo is actually there

The idea is to have related data always come back as a record or collection, never as a null or empty array(), so that you do not have to check it every time for emptiness. I want to be able to get or set `$this->foo` and have it be there automatically.

Beyond this seemingly large change for a Beta release, there are also many smaller changes, additions, and fixes. Most notable among them seem to be improvements in the Solar manual. (This seems to be a theme these days) The Solar manual is now sporting 3 new chapters: Working with ModelsWorking with Related Models and Views and Layouts by Jon Elofson

The full release announcement can be found on the Solar blog or you can download it straight from the Solar home page.

Cal Evans is a veteran of the browser wars. (BW-I, the big one) He has been programming for more years than he likes to remember but for the past [redacted] years he's been working strictly with PHP, MySQL and their friends. Cal regularly speaks at PHP users groups and conferences, writes articles and wanders the net looking for trouble to cause. He blogs on an "as he feels like it" basis at Postcards from my life.
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