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Write For php[architect]

Writing for php[architect] is a great rewarding experience: the names of most of the “bigs” in the PHP world have appeared in the masthead of our publication through the year, and each copy of php[architect] reaches thousands of people worldwide.

Online Publication & Guest Posts

We do not accept applications for guest bloggers.  If you are interested in contributing to php[architect] then please submit article or book concepts.

Monthly Magazine

Generally speaking, php[architect] publishes articles written for developers, by developers. If you write a 2500-3500 word article about a topic of interest to you, chances are that we want to publish it.

If you want to write for our magazine, the best thing to do is to take a look at our Editorial Guidelines and then email with a proposal. Your proposal should include:

  • Your legal name as it should appear on the contract
  • Your name as you’d like it to appear in the magazine
  • Your mailing address
  • Your preferred phone number
  • Your preferred email address
  • Your Twitter handle
  • Email address of your account
  • A tentative title for your article (can be changed later)
  • The date you will be able to deliver the completed article
  • An outline of what you will cover/discuss in your article
  • A short bio about you and your qualifications
  • A headshot that we can print along with your bio

We use your proposal to confirm if a finished article would be of interest to us, or to help you refine your article. It helps if your article fits somewhere in our editorial calendar, but don’t hesitate to send us an idea if it doesn’t—the spots for our planned articles fill up quickly, so it’s always good to have extra ideas on hand. We do offer stipends for your time and energy put into the article, as well as free issues of the magazine.


If you are interested in writing a book for php[architect], read over our Editorial Guidelines for books, and then send an email to with your proposal which should include:

  • Your full name
  • Your postal mailing address
  • Your preferred phone number
  • Your preferred email address
  • Your biography (just a short one, maybe 3-4 sentences long)
  • Your anticipated timeframe for being able to work on this book and deliver it.
  • A detailed outline of what you will cover in each chapter of your book
  • A description of your target audience (their skill level, profession, etc.)
  • Estimated number of pages in the book