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5 PHP frameworks you should check out

Posted by on March 1, 2010

PHP BuilderFrameworks are everywhere today, and they come in every flavor, some focusing on speed, others on features. If you are in the market for a framework, has posted an article with overviews on five noteworthy PHP frameworks:

  • CakePHP – noted for borrowing many features from Ruby on Rails and for its active community
  • CodeIgniter – noted for its simplicity and practical native features
  • DooPHP – noted for its speed and compactness
  • Symfony – noted for it’s well-organized support system and expansive list of plugins
  • Zend Framework – noted for connectivity with web services and its corporate sponsor, Zend Technologies (and has a helpful php|architect guide to get you started)

If those five don’t tickle your fancy, we showcase two frameworks, Digitalus and FaZend, in the February 2010 issue of php|architect, and if you want even more framework info, the June 2009 issue reviews no less than six PHP frameworks as well.

Elizabeth Tucker Long is the Editor-In-Chief of php[architect] magazine as well as a trainer and occasional guest blogger for php[architect]. She also runs Treeline Design -, a web development company, and Playlist Event Music -, a DJ company, along with her husband, Chris, and son, Liam.
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Responses and Pingbacks

Why is Kohana PHP always left out? =(

may you have a look at ColaPHP

It’s very simple and extreme fast.

most document in Chinese,but you can read the source code and demo.

PS.I am the author.

Beth Tucker Long on
March 1st, 2010 at 12:05 pm

If your favorite framework isn’t getting enough press, don’t forget that you can always write an article about it for php|architect. Just click “Write” on the right side of the green menu bar for more information. We’d love to hear from you!

So, where is the Yii Framework?

Edigu, dude did you see the comment from the author above you?

“If your favorite framework isn’t getting enough press, don’t forget that you can always write an article about it for php|architect. Just click “Write” on the right side of the green menu bar for more information. We’d love to hear from you!”

Beth Tucker Long on
March 12th, 2010 at 10:54 am

Edigu, php|architect published two articles on Yii last year in the March and July issues. You can get copies of these issues by clicking “Magazine” in the grey menu bar above, then on “View Archives”, and then on “2009 Archive”.

I am never sure why Zend Framework is included on the list of frameworks. It just seems so bulk and cumbersome. I really would rather see sphere, yii or prado.

@ Development Guy: Zend Framework is usually good but has few components that bring you nightmares, e.g. Zend_Form – with all its decorators and complicated stuff 🙂 It took me more than 1 day to make a so-called composite form element for an autocomplete-powered text box (together with selected values and ID validation), but in the end it really worked nice. What framework did you find nice in the last months? I’m ready to try it out ..

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