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Last day to vote and win for our PHP on Windows contest

Posted by on March 31, 2010

Our PHP on Windows contest is drawing to a close with two beautiful finalist packages that showcase the power of PHP on Windows—all we need now is your help to crown the winner!

  • Cont-xt is an ambitious new open source content management system aimed to end the “backend” editing paradigm for good. All content editing is done directly in-place and on-page through drag-and-drop JavaScript and AJAX methods. Templates define regions that content modules can be dropped into. The modules can be any amount of any type, in any order, in any defined region per page.
  • Manuscript is an easy-to-use, powerful content and document management system with support for Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite and works with PHP 5.2 or 5.3 cross-platform.

Which one will win? Only you can decide by voting for your favourite—and in so doing, you might be one of 50 lucky winners that take home a free one year subscription to php|architect (no strings attached!)

Marco is the keeper of keys and Chief Garbage Collector at Blue Parabola. He can be found on Twitter as @mtabini.

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