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Code Jam 2010 Open for Registration

Posted by on April 19, 2010

Google has just opened registration for Code Jam 2010. If you’ve never heard of it before, you are probably wondering what it is and why you should care. Code Jam is an annual programming competition sponsored by Google. The top 25 scores receive cash prizes and if you make it to the final round, they fly you to their offices to compete on site. This year, the finals are being held in Dublin!

For specifics on when the various rounds are scheduled and how to advance to each round, check the rules page. If you’re curious what types of problems you may face and want to get some practice, you can review problems and solutions from previous years.

As a reader of this blog, you probably have more than a passing interest in PHP. Code Jam allows you to devise solutions in PHP, and just about any other language imaginable. Analysis of previous years’ solutions shows that there is a small group of PHP coders participating. However, our language of choice was upstaged by Ruby and—GASP!—Perl.

Let’s show how clever PHP programmers can be and make sure we are properly represented this year. If you plan on participating and using PHP, please leave a comment including your Code Jam user name. While collaboration during the contest is strictly forbidden, you can follow everyone’s progress and cheer your fellow PHPers on.

Joel Clermont is a programmer by day, and often by night. While PHP is his first love, he also regularly works with .NET and the iPhone. He is a founding partner of Orion Group, a Milwaukee web development firm, and also organizes the Milwaukee PHP user group.
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I have just registered, Obayesshelton is my username 🙂

Joel Clermont on
April 20th, 2010 at 9:01 am

I just realized I never included my Code Jam username: jclermont

Also, there’s an option in the scoreboard to create a Friends list. I’m going to add all the PHP coders there so I can see how everyone is doing. Feel free to add me to your list as well.

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