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FTW! Contest Deadline is May 17th

Posted by on May 13, 2010

The FTW! Competition (Canadian PHP on Windows Contest) deadline is May 17th 8am. If you have a PHP application running on Windows and IIS, submit your app to this competition today at They are giving away $15,000 worth Dell hardware in prizes, every finalist gets a prize and bonus prizes are giving to PHP apps, Open Data apps, apps that use MS SQL Server and apps that use Windows Azure.



Cal Evans is a veteran of the browser wars. (BW-I, the big one) He has been programming for more years than he likes to remember but for the past [redacted] years he's been working strictly with PHP, MySQL and their friends. Cal regularly speaks at PHP users groups and conferences, writes articles and wanders the net looking for trouble to cause. He blogs on an "as he feels like it" basis at Postcards from my life.
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There are two typos in link: http:// is missing and it’s “not” instead of “nto”.

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