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Live! in Austin – Introducing in-person training from php|architect

Posted by on April 5, 2011

As you probably know, training is one of our main areas of focus here at php|a. It’s not just because we believe that a knowledgeable developer is a happy developer, but also because we’ve been on both sides of the fence, and we know how difficult (and expensive) it is to find a good training program.

That’s why on Tuesday we launched a new initiative called php|architect Live!—a full-day, in-person training course that gives you practical and in-depth knowledge of a specific topic.

But there is more: we don’t want our Live! events to be “just training courses.” We want them to be intimate learning experiences. Forget the sterile environment of a dedicated classroom—our training courses take place in comfortable, relaxing environments. You’ll be working on your own laptop, with our instructors guiding you through lots of hands-on exercises.

Our first date is in Austin, TX, on April 20th, when our own Keith Casey will be teaching the ins and outs of Object-Oriented Programming for PHP—from the basics to the more advanced concepts.

Best of all, the entire training costs just $250, (including lunch, breaks, and Wi-Fi connectivity)—because we don’t believe that training should break the bank.

What’s the catch, you ask? Simple: there are only twenty seats available—which is why, if you’re in the Austin area, you should head out to grab your ticket now, before they’re all gone.

Marco is the keeper of keys and Chief Garbage Collector at Blue Parabola. He can be found on Twitter as @mtabini.
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That is a very reasonable price! Our site developer is based nr Austin so I have forwarded this to him. He is originally from Belarus/Minsk but has been honing his php skills in the States for 6 months now. I’m sure he’d be interested.

Wish I’d known about this earlier. I found out via the php meetup group less than a day before the class starts, and would have a hard time rearranging things to attend. But I’ve been on the lookout for a good OOP training as I’ve mostly done procedural php to date. Will it be offered again soon?

I always miss these events. I wonder what the attendees thought about the event.

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