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The php|tek schedule is up!

Posted by on February 10, 2012

If you have been in the PHP community for a while then you probably know how much fun php|tek is. You’ve either been there and seen it first hand, or you’ve watched on Twitter as your friends have attended. If you are new to PHP, boy have we got a treat for you.

tek ’12 is coming to Chicago May 22nd – 25th, 2012. Yes, there is going to be an uncon that goes till all hours of the morning. Yes, there is going to be a hackathon packed with programmers and cool projects. Of course there are going to be some off-the-hook evening activities that people will talk about for years to come.

We know that’s not why you come to tek though. You come to tech for the talks. Each year we strive to put together a schedule unmatched by any other, and we think that tek ’12 is the best one we’ve done yet.

Check out the schedule for php|tek ’12 now and get your ticket before the Early Bird discount expires.

Cal Evans is a veteran of the browser wars. (BW-I, the big one) He has been programming for more years than he likes to remember but for the past [redacted] years he's been working strictly with PHP, MySQL and their friends. Cal regularly speaks at PHP users groups and conferences, writes articles and wanders the net looking for trouble to cause. He blogs on an "as he feels like it" basis at Postcards from my life.
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[…] | Architekt vor Ort, dem offiziellen Zeitplan für die diesjährige php | tek Ereignis wurde veröffentlicht . tek ’12 wird nach Chicago 22. Mai kommen – 25., 2012. Ja, es geht um ein unkon, die […]

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