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Annual Survey 2014

Posted by on February 11, 2014

It’s about that time of year again.  When we want to learn more about you, our customer.  (As well as about people who currently aren’t our customer!).   So if you are seeing this, please help us out by giving us a few minutes of your time, and filling out a survey so that we can know what kinds of products are going to serve you the best:

Eli has been a PHP coder since the day PHP 4 was released. He's worked for numerous companies in the past, such as, Zend Technologies, TripAdvisor, mojoLive, and Goodsie. Though found himself in love with the PHP community so deeply that he ended up here at php[architect], and loves what he does. Conferences, magazine, books, training - Teaching people the love for the language that he himself has.

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