Thank you for PHP 7
If you missed the news, PHP 7 has been officially released and is by now finding its ways into the eager hands of PHP developers everywhere. By every definition this is a major release. It brings features like Scalar Type Hints, Return Types, Uniform Variable Syntax. There are also significant performance improvements from tweaks and optimizations under the hood. However, none of these improvements would have been possible without the dedication and hard work of the 250+ core contributors, the release managers, the documentation team, and everyone else who had a part in reaching this milestone.
If you consider yourself a PHP developer or work mainly with Drupal, WordPress, Joomla!, Magento, Laravel, Zend Framework, Symfony, or any of the countless other applications and framework in the PHP community, this release has something that can help make what you do better. Please take a moment to thank the PHP 7 team.
From all of us at php[architect], Thank You!
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