Community Corner:
PHPUnit Creator Sebastian Bergmann, Part One

By Eric Van Johnson

When Sebastian Bergmann was in university, his professor pulled him to the side and said, “Open Source is great, PHP is great, but I see that you’re interested in these testing concepts, unit testing in particular. That does not exist for PHP. Can I finally convince you now to continue what you do, but with a different language? Do that with Java, and do it at the university and do cool stuff with that?”. Most students would take that sort of advice from their professor as solid words of wisdom and do exactly what had been suggested. Fortunately for all of us, Sebastian wasn’t like most students, and he took it as a challenge and replied, “Well, just because it has not been implemented for PHP yet does not mean that it cannot be done.”

This article was originally published in the September 2021 issue of php[architect] magazine. To read the complete article please subscribe or purchase the complete issue.

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