Drupal Dab:
Security in Drupal 9

By Nicola Pignatelli

When you develop a Drupal site, you often think only of programming and rarely of security. Writing clean and secure code is useless if users can enter 123456 as a password. In this article, I’ll explain which modules to use to secure your Drupal website. Of course, there are other techniques and tools to secure a web application, but you can’t configure the web server or install third-party applications if you don’t have access to the server. Drupal core developers improved code and core modules to minimize risks; they eliminated code that allowed the insertion of PHP code in fields of blocks, content type, etc. In this article, I’ll explain which modules to use to secure your Drupal website. Of course, there are other techniques and tools to secure a web application, but you can’t configure the web server or install third-party applications if you don’t have access to the server. Okay, let’s dive into discovering these essential modules for our safety. by Nicola Pignatelli

This article was originally published in the November 2022 issue of PHP Architect magazine. To read the complete article please subscribe or purchase the complete issue.

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