PSR Pickup:
HTTP Factories
By Frank Wallen
In PHPArchitect Issue 7 of Volume 21 (way back in July 2022), I wrote about PSR-7: Message Interfaces, where Request and Response interfaces were defined to ensure that requests and responses were properly structured and handled. PSR-17 was created to support PSR-7 by defining interfaces for factories to create HTTP objects. The factory design pattern is an excellent way to introduce standards in components not specifically implementing PSR-7 interfaces. They will produce the request and response objects following the recommended standards, and the implementing code will not require a major refactor. PSR-7 was written before the release of PHP 7; therefore, following these recommended standards is important for security and stability. by Frank Wallen
This article was originally published in the March 2023 issue of PHP Architect magazine. To read the complete article please subscribe or purchase the complete issue.
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