Browse category podcast
php|architect Podcast: Interview with Andrew Sampson of
Listen as Marco interviews Andrew Sampson of
php|architect Podcast: Microphones in Bloom
In this episode, which shall henceforth be known as the one where Marco discovers that the gain doesn’t set itself on his microphone, our host
and guests discuss the PHP-related news of the last two weeks.
php|architect Podcast: Is This Too Loud?
In this episode, which shall henceforth be known as the one where Marco forgot to turn off Skype’s notification sounds and Elizabeth called in from a WWII-era u-boat, our host and guest discuss what’s new in this fortnight’s events of the PHP community.
php|architect Podcast: We're Baaaaack!
We’re back! After a long hiatus, the php|architect Podcast is on the air again with news, gossip and opinion on what’s going on in the PHP community