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webcast: Introduction to Doctrine 2
For the first episode in the TEK·X we have Jonathan Wage – Project Manager for the Doctrine project – talking to us about the Doctrine project and specifically Doctrine 2.
oddWeek Episode #4
oddWeek Episode 4. The one where Elizabeth Naramore talks about PHPWomen, Python websites and open source projects not run by douchbags. Come join us
php|architect podcast: oddWeek #003
This week’s oddWeek podcast features our friend Nate Abele. We discuss Cake PHP, Lithium and the trials of starting open source projects.
Podcast #2010-02: Stalker Edition
It’s another episode of the php|architect podcast! This week, we’re chatting with Ben Ramsey, who joined Cal and Marco at Facebook’s headquarters to hear about their new open-source technologies.
The topic: HipHop—Facebook’s new PHP-to-C++ compiler that promises up to 50% CPU savings over the traditional PHP runtime and has stirred up a debate across the entire community.
php|architect Podcast: oddWeek #002
This week’s special guest is Chris Cornutt, co-organizer of the Dallas PHP User Group. Listen as we talk to Chris about the Dallas PHP user Group and user groups in general.
php|architect Podcast: oddWeek #001
OddWeeks Podcast Episode #1 with special guest Ed Finkler. Join us as we discuss PEAR, PearHub and PearFarm.
php|architect Podcast: 2009 in Revue
php|architect podcast Episode 2010-001. Sit with us as we look back at 2009 and what it meant to PHP.
php|architect Podcast: Bake'n'Shake
php|architect’s post ZendCon episode. Listen as we discuss how Nate Abele pronounces his name, wrap up ZendCon ’09 and other things that strike our fancy.
php|architect Podcast: Interview with Marcus Whitney
Listen as Marco sits down with Marcus Whitney to discuss managing large scale PHP installations as well at organizing conferences.
php|architect Podcast: Skyrockets in Flight
Join Marco, Liz Naramore, Cal Evans and Josh Holes as they give you a taste of what it would sound like if all podcasts were recorded inside an airport.