Browse category The Workshop

The Workshop: Managing LAMP with Virtualmin

by · March 5, 2020


Virtualmin is a web hosting and cloud computing control panel. A hosting control panel is a web-based application that runs on a server and manages all the aspects of a hosting account. This includes account information, websites, web servers, databases, mail servers, and all the other services which ultimately work together to allow you to […]


The Workshop: GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration

by · February 4, 2020


Continuous Integration (CI), or the ongoing process of integrating changes in a shared version control repository, should be a goal of every project you work on. This month, we’re going to dive into configuring GitHub Actions to build and test our PHP application. Then we’ll look at a larger scale API, which also uses GitHub […]


The Workshop: Ansible In Practice

by · January 3, 2020


This month, we’re going to dive into a practical application of Ansible by building a playbook with roles to implement a fully functional Linux, MySQL, PHP, and NGINX web server. By the end, you should be able to take the playbook we build together and extend it to suit your requirements.


The Workshop: System Management with Ansible

by · December 4, 2019


Ansible is an open-source IT automation tool used for configuring systems and deploying applications. Red Hat supports Ansible in the enterprise by offering support contracts and funding employees who contribute. Ansible communicates over SSH, so there is no need to install any extra software (such as PHP, Apache, NGINX, Redis, and others) on the remote […]


The Workshop: What’s New in PHP 7.4

by · November 13, 2019


PHP 7.4 brings typed properties, arrow functions, coalesce assignment operators, and more. Read this article to learn about the new feature of this release.


The Workshop: What’s New in PHP 7.4

by · November 4, 2019


PHP 7.4 brings typed properties, arrow functions, coalesce assignment operators, and more. PHP 7.4.0RC4 was released on October 17th. There’s still plenty of time as the current planned date for general availability of 7.4 is November 28th, 2019, according to the PHP 7.4 timetable.


The Workshop: What’s New in Laravel 6

by · October 2, 2019


September 2019 marks the release of the latest major version of Laravel: 6.0. Laravel 6 is also the new LTS (long term support) version of the framework. We’ll cover what’s new and different in version 6 and learn about the brand new error handling package: Ignition. One notable change is the requirement of PHP 7.2 […]


The Workshop: Introduction to PDF Generation

by · September 12, 2019


Despite the promise of a “paperless” office, we still need to create documents that print and render nearly-identically across devices and operating systems. PDFs have filled this niche nicely for end-users, but if you need to generate PDFs with PHP programmatically, the options are overwhelming. How do you choose? In this series, we’ll investigate the solutions at our disposal and the pros and cons of each.


The Workshop: Real World PDF Generation

by · September 3, 2019


This month, we’re exploring methods to take your existing views and use a browser engine to turn HTML and CSS into a PDF.


The Workshop: Introduction to PDF Generation

by · August 2, 2019


Despite the promise of a “paperless” office, we still need to create documents that print and render nearly-identically across devices and operating systems. PDFs have filled this niche nicely for end-users, but if you need to generate PDFs with PHP programmatically, the options are overwhelming. How do you choose? In this series, we’ll investigate the solutions at our disposal and the pros and cons of each.