Dariusz Gafka

I was writing software for public and private sectors.
Thanks to people I have met on my carrier path I have dived into Domain Driven Design from the very beginning. I am a huge fan of distributed architectures, which finally pushed me into creating PHP framework – Ecotone, based on Messaging Architecture and principles of DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing.

I am Software Developer and Architect and a big enthusiast of DDD CQRS and Distributed Architectures. That enthusiasm finally pushed me into creating PHP framework – Ecotone, based on Messaging Architecture and principles of DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing.I love expanding and sharing my knowledge using blog articles and writing open-source software.

twitter: @DariuszGafka


Building Solid and Maintainable Php Applications Using Ddd and Messaging with Ecotone Framework

By Dariusz Gafka

Each business has its set of problems that developers need to solve. In DDD, those problems describe how the business works and the user flows – the so-called Problem Space. On the other side, when we want to provide functionality by writing the code to solve those problems, this is Solution Space. DDD is about those two things. We need to have a problem in order to apply a solution.

Published in Another Bright Idea, June 2022