Demin Yin

Demin is a staff engineer and technical lead at Glu Mobile, focusing on building high-performance, secure web services. Besides his daily job at Glu, Demin is an open-source contributor, an official evangelist of Swoole, and an occasional conference speaker on PHP.
twitter: @deminy
Build An All-In-One Application Server Using Swoole
By Demin Yin
In recent years, more and more PHP developers are interested in asynchronous frameworks, like Swoole. However, Swoole brings more than asynchronous programming to PHP; there are a few mind-blowing features in Swoole that many developers are not yet aware of. This article discusses how to use Swoole to build an application server to serve web requests, handle cron jobs, and process job queues without relying on any third-party applications or software.
Published in Running Parallel, October 2020