Erwin Earley

Erwin offers more than 20 years of experience working in the IBM i community, as an IBM employee and now with Zend by Perforce. He has worked with many technologies on the POWER platform including cloud (PowerVC), Dev/Ops solutions (Docker and Chef), and open source technologies (Linux, MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP). Erwin is a frequent speaker at various user groups and technology conferences and has authored numerous articles on Linux, PHP, virtualization, and systems management.
PHP and Database Access
By Erwin Earley
In its early days, the Internet was all about sharing static data like images, flat text files, and downloadable binaries. The early Internet’s static nature was useful in for sharing information. In many ways, the ability to tie static web pages to the dynamic content resident in enterprise databases allowed us to build new kinds of applications. This is where, in many respects, PHP shines.
Published in Data Discipline, August 2020 —Available for Free