Matthew Turland

Matthew Turland has been working with PHP since 2002. He has been both an author and technical editor for php|architect Magazine, spoken at multiple conferences, and contributed to numerous PHP projects. He is the author of Web Scraping with PHP, 2nd Edition and co-author of SitePoint’s PHP Master: Write Cutting-Edge Code. In his spare time, he likes to bend PHP to his will to scrape web pages and run IRC bots.
twitter: @elazar
PHP 8 Distilled
By Matthew Turland
PHP 8 is a significant release for much more than just its version number: it’s absolutely packed with shiny new language features, potential performance improvements, and fixes to many unintuitive behaviors and inconsistencies in previous iterations of the language.
Published in PHP 8 Bits and Git, December 2020 —Available for Free
Object-Oriented Programming: A Primer, Part Two
By Matthew Turland
The first article in this series, found in the November 2019 issue, focused on the “what” in object-oriented programming; that is, fundamental concepts and related features offered by PHP and what those features do. While this article does a bit more of the same, it focuses more on the “how” of object-oriented programming, particularly principles which guide how you use these features to build out your applications.
Published in New Habits, January 2020
Object-Oriented Programming: A Primer, Part One
By Matthew Turland
If you’re not familiar with the phrase “object-oriented programming” or haven’t done it before, this article is for you! We’ll start from basic principles and build upon them until you have a decent foundational grasp of what object-oriented programming is, why you should consider doing it, and how to do so.
Published in Object Orientation, November 2019