Gert Wijnalda

by · April 3, 2019

Gert Wijnalda avatar

Gert Wijnalda is an entrepreneur, musician and creative coder at heart, and loves bringing practical solutions to abstract challenges. He is the managing director of RedAnt, a software development and consultancy business in the Netherlands, and dedicates himself part time to several charities.

Bryan Robinson

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Bryan Robinson headshot

Bryan Robinson is the founder and lead evangelist at Code Contemporary, a company dedicated to sharing the amazing advancements in web technologies happening right now. In over 12 years in the industry, he’s managed and worked on teams of designers and developers that have shipped code to frameworks running sites with millions of monthly views […]

Matthew Hellinger

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Matthew Hellinger headshot

Matthew Hellinger is a consultant to business owners in the E-commerce and SaaS spaces and brings additional experience leading mid- to senior-level PHP developers. His passion is optimizing solutions for security and real world business impact. With PHP development experience dating to the early days of PHP 4 and prior C/C++ development experience, he is […]

Daniele Timo Secondi

by · March 4, 2019

Daniele Timo Secondi headshot

Daniel graduated in Computer Science in 2007 in Italy. He started developing Flash games when they were still a thing. Since then, he’s worked on web projects for important brands in tech and digital publishing, moving from front-end to back-end. He currently works in Developer Relations at Pipedrive, helping developers build integrations and sharing useful […]

David Wolfpaw

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David Wolfpaw headshot

David Wolfpaw is a professional web developer focused on WordPress theme and plugin development. He emphasizes helping small businesses, providing ongoing support, and educating users through his service FixUpFox. He helps organize both WordPress Orlando and WordCamp Orlando.

Barry O’Donovan

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Barry O'Donovan Headshot

Husband, dad, network engineer, PHP programmer, geek, sci fi fan, political anorak, founder @IslandBridgeNet, packet shepherd with INEX @ComePeerWithMe.

Ian Littman

by · February 6, 2019

Ian Littman headshot

When he isn’t building or maintaining web applications (usually APIs) for a variety of contract clients or helping organize AustinPHP, Ian’s probably at, or biking to or from, one of Austin, Texas’s 24-hour coffee shops, or opining some aspect of transportation infrastructure.

Jeremy Dorn

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Jeremy Dorn

Jeremy created his first PHP website in 2005 for his high school robotics club. He’s now the software architect at, a startup that helps millions of teachers and parents educate their children. Jeremy is the author of several popular open source libraries including PHP Reports, Sql Formatter, and JSON Editor. He lives in Boston […]

Michael Akopov

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Michael Akopov

I am a Software Developer with a primary focus in web based technologies, I’ve worked in the industry for roughly 13 year now in various capacities.

Matthew Schwartz

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Matthew Schwartz headshot

Matt started programming by teaching himself Basic on his Commodore 64 and he hasn’t stopped since. He spent the first 10 years of his career writing client/server applications for the financial services industry. For the last 10 years he’s been leading teams building large scale web applications for a variety of industries, primarily with PHP. […]

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