Steve Bennett

by · December 12, 2018


Steve Bennet is Technical Project Lead for Soliant Consulting, Inc. in Chicago IL. He’s certified in some of Soliant’s key areas of expertise, including PHP, Zend Framework and MySQL.

Barney Hanlon

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Barney Hanlon headshot

Barney has been using PHP since 2004, and worked as a consultant across Europe for Ibuildings and Inviqa for over five years. He now works as a Senior Developer and mentor at London-based fintech WorldFirst, where he tries to stop developers making the same painful mistakes he made. A proponent of testing, he has contributed […]

Brian Thompson

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Brian Thompson headshot

Brian Thompson, a former outdoorsman turned web developer, currently leads a team of 20+ developers in the creation and maintenance of digital experiences. As the Director of Web Engineering at Mindgrub Technologies, Brian oversees all of the web projects in addition to the odd robotics project. Through this work he has had to handle website […]

Luka Mužinić

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Passionate about being a developer, teacher and mentor for newcomers into world of programming. Works for Code4Hire, remote team of software engineers, offering outsourcing and consulting services. Organiser of @webcampzagreb conference. Enjoys playing and watching sports that Croatians find odd and unpopular.

Michael Schrenk

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Michael Schrenk headshot

Michael Schrenk has developed software that collects and processes massive amounts of data for some of the biggest news agencies in Europe and leads a competitive intelligence consultancy in Las Vegas. He consults on information security and Big Data everywhere from Moscow to Silicon Valley, and most places in between. Mike is the author of […]

Stefany Newman

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Stefany Newman headshot

Stefany Newman has been creating websites for nearly ten years. She started developing when the phrase “Responsive Web Design” was first coined and had to battle with Internet Explorer 6 for good user experience. She loves educating and helping people on how to better their online presence. With clients all over the world, Stefany is […]

Mark Niebergall

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Mark Niebergall headshot

Mark Niebergall is a security-minded PHP software engineer with over a decade of hands-on experience with PHP projects. He is the Utah PHP User Group Co-Organizer and often speaks at user groups and conferences. Mark has a Masters degree in MIS, is CSSLP and SSCP cybersecurity certified, and volunteers for (ISC)2 exam development. Mark enjoys […]

Michelle Sanver

by · December 11, 2018


Michelle Sanver works at Liip, a self organised web agency based in Switzerland. At Liip she proudly does many things, including organizing internal hiking events! But her main day to day work is as a developer. It involves an ever changing API for a big retailer in Switzerland, using mainly Symfony, Elasticsearch and RabbitMQ. She […]

Sammy Kaye Powers

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Sammy K Powers headshot

Sammy Kaye Powers has been making things on the web for twenty years. Sammy spends the bulk of his time in coffee shops cranking out web apps. He dabbles in PHP internals and is the maintainer of the official Facebook PHP SDK. He loves sharing knowledge about Facebook development & PHP at He co-organizes […]

Damien Seguy

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Damien Seguy headshot

Damien Seguy is CTO at Exakat Ltd., a company specialized in PHP code quality solutions for the industry. He leads the development of the exakat PHP static analysis engine, that automatically audit code for version compatibility, security and auto-documentation. Since last millenium, Damien has contributed to PHP, as documentation author, elephpant breeder, conference speaker on […]

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