Łukasz Bacik

by · June 24, 2023

Łukasz Bacik Headshot

Łukasz has a passion for coding, which is probably not surprising. He began with C++ during his university studies but then shifted his focus to Networking and DevOps. However, his love for coding ultimately prevailed, and ten years ago, he made the decision to pursue it as a profession. He has never looked back since […]

Derek Pyatt

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Derek Pyatt Headshot

Derek Pyatt is a third-year honor student at Boise State University. He is part of the Games, Interactive Media, and Mobile (GIMM) program while also working as a Web and Digital Coordinator for BSU’s Admissions office. As a student in GIMM, he has had the opportunity to work on various mobile applications, websites, and games […]

Adam Giles

by · May 31, 2023

Adam Giles

Adam Giles is currently a third-year student at Boise State University pursuing an undergraduate degree in Games, Interactive Media, and Mobile (GIMM). This program focuses on teaching students how to utilize modern technology. In studying GIMM, he has learned various programming techniques that can be reflected in both back and front-end development.

Chris Hartjes

by · April 20, 2023


Chris Hartjes has been helping to build web sites of all shapes and sizes since 1998, mostly with PHP while focussing on helping developers develop the skills needed to write automated tests for their applications. He currently works as a web development consultant from his Fortress of Grumpitude deep in the snowy wilds of Canada

Bohuslav Šimek

by · March 24, 2023


Bohuslav Šimek works as a lead programmer at PeoplePath, where he is primarily responsible for the underlying architecture. In his free time, he is trying to apply Atwood’s Law to PHP. This fruitless effort can be summarized with the following words: “Any application that can be written in PHP, will eventually be written in PHP.”

Ben Ramsey

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Ben Ramsey

Ben Ramsey is a Senior Staff Engineer at Skillshare and an open source developer. An advocate for open source software and community, he is author of the ramsey/uuid library for PHP, a release manager for PHP 8.1 and 8.2, co-organizer of the Nashville PHP user group, author of several books on PHP development, and a […]

Ivo Lukač

by · February 10, 2023


Ivo is a cofounder of @netgentweets and has been in the web engineer, architect, and speaker for 20 years. He is an organizer of @websummercamp and his current focus is on http://netgen.io/layouts.

Matt Lantz

by · January 16, 2023


Matt has been developing software for over 13 years. He started his career as a developer working for a small marketing firm, but has since worked for a few Fortune 500 companies, lead a couple teams of developers and is currently working as a Cloud Architect. He’s contributed to the open source community on projects […]

Stathis Georgiou

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Stathis Georgiou

Stathis Georgiou currently lives in London, with his two kids and wife. He is a happy dad and a passionate developer who is always looking to improve himself and help others do the same. His favorite language to work with is PHP, which was love at first sight for him! He has worked with PHP for […]

Dmitri Goosens

by · November 11, 2022


Dmitri is a Belgian backend PHP Dev and Architect, working at Ardennes-étape, who is very passionate about DDD, OpenSource and everything Digital. When he’s not working, playing with code or reading about code, he spends time with family and cats and enjoys Belgian beers (especially Orval) and going for long walks in the forest.

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