Anton Titov

by · May 12, 2021


Anton Titov is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Spiral Scout and Mezzato Inc. I have also written a PHP framework ( and a number of open source tools including RoadRunner Spiral Scout was selected to be a part of Hi Tech Park in Belarus in 2018.

Mark Kelnar

by · April 9, 2021


Mark Kelnar is a Principal Engineer and Technical Fellow at WP Engine who is passionate about beekeeping. As the first engineer at WP Engine, part of team to implement their WordPress stack which is now serving over a million sites on the web. Mark’s software development experience started 20+ years ago converting software from C/C++ […]

Juciellen Cabrera

by · March 8, 2021


Juciellen is a Software Engineer with over 10 years of experience developing PHP applications. She’s a co-organizer of PHPWomen in Brazil and committed to women inclusion in IT. The proud mother of a smart boy, she loves food and cooking as well. She currently lives in Ireland with her family.

Benjamin Smith

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Ben Smith is a Senior developer advocate at AWS with a passion for serverless and web development. Prior to joining AWS Ben spent 15 years as a PHP developer before discovering serverless technologies. Now with his AWS blog series on “The serverless LAMP stack”, Ben has spoken extensively about PHP and serverless, from re:Invent, ServerlessDays […]

Camilo Payan

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Camilo rose from the swamps of South Florida, where he taught the alligators PHP and Vim. He traveled the Sahara with the Tuaregs of Morocco, and found the SOLID design principles etched into glass beneath the sands. He then moved from Miami to Chattanooga, to teach what he could, and receive the wisdom of the […]

Gabor “Mefi” Nadai

by · January 8, 2021


Gabor Nadai, but you can call him Mefi. Engineering Manager, currently on an intergalactic mission working with a talented group of engineers and managers at Bitrise. Former VP of Engineering at, Hungary’s market leading real estate listing portal. His mission is building awesome communities and teams creating great software which truly helps people.

Andrew Woods

by · December 3, 2020


Senior PHP/Laravel/WordPress Web Developer in Queens, NY; plays guitar for fun, rocks karaoke. Learning Spanish and ASL. Former Organizer of @SeaPHP

Piotr Horzycki

by · November 11, 2020


Piotr Horzycki is a PHP and Java developer at Espeo Software in Poland. He has extensive experience writing software for fintech, marketing, education and media since 2008. Piotr loves sharing his knowledge at meetups, maintains a developer’s blog at and tweets about tech.

Vinícius Campitelli

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When advancing in our careers as developers, we come across some questions about the structure of our software. Before long, the main question about solving a problem is not about what to do anymore, but how to do it elegantly. We start looking for better development tactics and how to make our code mode readable […]

Volodymyr Khvorostiankin

by · October 5, 2020


Volodymyr Khvorostiankin is a senior developer with more than 10 years of experience in various fields. He was engaged in the development of projects in the banking sector, the agricultural sector, social networks, and many others. At the moment he is working as a leader of the marketplace backend development team. In addition to developing […]

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