Rob Allen

Rob Allen is a software consultant and developer with many years experience and writes code in PHP, Python, Swift and other interesting languages. He’s led Slim Framework’s development team and contributes to rst2pdf, Apache OpenWhisk and other open source projects. Rob is a published author and based in the UK where he runs Nineteen Feet Limited, focusing on API development, training and consultancy. In his spare time, Rob blogs at and can often be seen with a camera in his hand.
twitter: @akrabat
Web site:
An Overview of Domain-Driven Design
By Rob Allen
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an approach to software development that focuses on understanding and dealing with complex business needs. We will explore the strengths of DDD, including its approach to structuring software around an abstract model of a business problem and creating a ‘ubiquitous language’ for communication among developers and domain experts. We’ll look at the strategic and tactical aspects of DDD and show that the central benefit of this approach is improved collaboration, better understanding of business processes, and ultimately, better and more flexible software. by Rob Allen
Published in The PHP Gambit: Winning Strategies in Code, February 2024
Serverless PHP With Bref, Part Two
By Rob Allen
In part one of this series, I introduced serverless applications and looked at how Bref makes it easy to develop and deploy serverless PHP functions to AWS Lambda with a simple hello world function. Serverless functions don’t live in a vacuum and tend to integrate with other services, let’s turn our attention to what a complete serverless application looks like by building a static website hosted on S3 which is updated using a PHP Lambda function. by Rob Allen
Published in How to Tame Your Data, June 2019
Serverless PHP With Bref, Part One
By Rob Allen
In recent years, a different way to build applications has arisen called serverless computing. This term is not a good name; I’m reminded of the adage that there are two hard problems in programming: naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors. Serverless computing as a name implies no servers, but there are servers—you don’t think about them though. A better way to think about it is that the servers and the management of them are abstracted away and the provider manages the allocation of resources, not the application architect. In this article, I’m going to walk through how to use Lambda with PHP to execute a function.
Published in Serverless, ReactPHP, and Expanding Frontiers, May 2019 —Available for Free