Sammy Kaye Powers

Sammy K Powers headshot

Sammy Kaye Powers has been making things on the web for twenty years. Sammy spends the bulk of his time in coffee shops cranking out web apps. He dabbles in PHP internals and is the maintainer of the official Facebook PHP SDK. He loves sharing knowledge about Facebook development & PHP at He co-organizes the Chicago PHP user group and hosts the PHP Roundtable podcast. He travels all over the States competing in a dance called West Coast Swing.

twitter: @SammyK

Web site:


Upgrading Old Legacy Apps to PHP 7 and Beyond

By Sammy Kaye Powers

There are many PHP 7 upgrade paths one could take. The sheer number of options can be paralyzing. Certainly, there are better ways than upgrading your production server to PHP 7.2 and hoping for the best (in fact, this is not a recommended upgrade path). If upgrading a legacy PHP 5.x application to PHP 7 seems daunting, read on and let’s start eating this elePHPant one byte at a time.

Published in Magniphpicent 7.3 – September 2018, September 2018