Tomas Votruba
Tomas Votruba is a regular speaker at meetups and conferences and writes regularly. He created the Rector project and founded the PHP community in the Czech Republic in 2015. He loves meeting people from the PHP family so he created FriendOfPHP which is updated daily with meetups all over the world.
twitter: @votrubaT
Web site:
Programmer’s Guide to Legacy Upgrade
By Tomas Votruba
by Tomáš Votruba
Published in Time For PHP, December 2024
GPT: Changing The Way We Code
By Tomas Votruba
It’s not even 24 hours since GPT-4 was released to the public, and
I’m writing this article with my own bare hands. I won’t lie to you; I’m
tempted to generate the content of this post. But the GPT is pre-trained
on the public domain and not my brain…yet. by Tomas Votruba
Published in Getting TEKnical, April 2023
Harness The Power of the AST
By Tomas Votruba
Last month I introduced you to the basics of Value Objects and demonstrated a series of very simple PHP examples. This month, let’s have a closer look at the benefits of using them. by Dmitri Goosens
Published in Owning The Web, December 2022
Your AST Toolkit
By Tomas Votruba
Today we look at the three most powerful tools in the AST Toolkit. What is the tool for, how do we use it properly, and where should we use something else or our bare hands? by Tomas Votruba
Published in The Value of the AST, November 2022
Real World AST
By Tomas Votruba
AST is a technology that changed my life and the way I view code. I want to share this way of seeing code so that you can deal with your “impossible problems” in a fancy and lazy way. by Tomas Votruba
Published in Making Code, September 2022
Why Would Anyone Want to Downgrade Their PHP Code?
By Tomas Votruba
What is the biggest problem in PHP in 2021? Many PHP developers are stuck with old codebases, with old frameworks or patterns (if any). Sometimes we work with projects without Composer or PSR-4 autoloading. For some of us, using PHP 7.0 is a luxury far beyond our dreams.
Published in It’s Really an Upgrade, September 2021
Can You Migrate Any Legacy Code Under One Month?
By Tomas Votruba
According to PHP Framework Trends from Packagist, there were over 1,258 million downloads of open-source PHP frameworks in the last 12 months. That’s a huge number! But how many of them are on the latest version? How many of them are stuck on version 0 or 1, that’s not even on Packagist? Also, how many of you have a custom PHP framework that you hate? What if I tell you there is a way you all could use the latest version of your favorite framework and PHP 7.4 by the end of 2019?
Published in Renovating Applications with Symfony, August 2019