Have you ever wanted to add an online shop to your websitebut gave up on the idea because you lack the expertise andresources to run it? Alessandro Sfondrini shows you that, usingSOAP, you can connect to Amazon Web Services and create a PHPapplication to remotely browse and search products, add them toAmazon shopping carts or wish lists and, yes, you can even earnmoney on every purchase performed from your site.—by Alessandro Sfondrini
PHP enables Web developers to create complex Webapplications—nothing new there. The techniques for writingautomated tests for PHP Web applications, however, are not wellknown. In this article, James McCaffrey shows you a simple butrepresentative PHP application and then walks you through thecreation of a powerful automated test program written entirely inPHP. The code is explained in detail so you can use it as is, ormodify and extend the technique to meet your own needs.—by Dr. James McCaffrey
A quick search for the words “hate” and“regular expressions” on your favourite search engineis likely to bring up thousands upon thousands of hits. While mostdevelopers recognize the usefulness of regular expressions (andmany can’t do without them once they have figured out how regexeswork), their use remains something of a black-magic art—rightup there with hypnosis and session management. Despite lookingcomplicated, however, regular expressions are much easier to workwith than most people are willing to admit.
Join author George Schlossnagle as he explores the depths ofregular expressions in the first article of this three-partdefinitive series on the topic.
—by George Schlossnagle
Tidy is a new extension that will be available as a standardin PHP 5. It provides a wide range of functionality formanipulating HTML, XHTML, and XML documents from within PHP.Extension author John Coggeshall introduces all of the primaryfeatures of this new extension, and how you will be able to makethe most of it in your PHP scripts.—by John Coggeshall
WAP is dead… long live WAP! Andrea Trasatti looks at thestatus of the Wireless Application Protocol and its role in today’sweb application market now that a whole new generation of high-endwireless devices capable of taking advantage of the Internet in ameaningful way is available.—by Andrea Trasatti
It’s not every day that one gets to learn PHP on a beautifulcruise ship. Publisher Marco Tabini shares his experienceorganizing and attending php|architect’s own php|cruise, which tookplace between March 1st and March 5th, 2004.—by Marco Tabini
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