Developing a UI that manipulates large data sets isdifficult. Developing a UI dynamically upon user request is evenmore difficult. In this article, Man-ping Grace Chau aims todiscuss the difficulties in developing a complex UI, demonstratedby the XML/XSL generator made in the Infospheres Lab at theCalifornia Institute of Technology. Examples of how to generateJavaScript dynamically at run time and how to represent a complexDOM tree with simple HTML data structure will also be shown.Furthermore, the article will discuss the optimization of inputvalidation. Several error checking/correction algorithms will bedemonstrated. This application is developed in PHP5, with extensiveuse of the new XML library.
—by Mang-ping Chau
To many object-oriented developers, there is a sense that therelational model for data management is at odds with the conceptsof object-oriented development. Are these views justified? Are theypractical? In part II of this two-part series, author Rick Morrisbuilds a simple example of an object-oriented application thatderives business logic from the database without object/relationalmapping.
—by Rick Morris
After code acceleration (also called opcode cache), cachingis one the easiest ways to make an existing website faster bysaving the result of a time-consuming operation in a temporarystorage medium from which it can be retrieved until a particularevent takes place. Allen Smithee illustrates a practical cachingapproach that requires no external dependencies.
—by Allen Smithee
When most people talk about PHP 5, they tend to concentrateon the many improvements in the way it works with objects, which iscertainly a significant component of the new release. This oftenleaves equally important improvements, such as the changes made tothe way PHP works with XML, neglected. This article’s goal isto familiarize you with how XML is handled by PHP 5 and how thesechanges make working with XML much easier. Join PHP developer andauthor Ilia Alshanetsky for the ultimate tour of all that is PHP5 & XML!
—by Ilia Alshanetsky
Intrusion prevention and detection are two essential componentsof a successful security strategy. In this article, Ron Goffdiscusses the creation of a “port guard”–a PHP-based systemdesigned exclusively to detect and act upon malicious activity onyour server’s Internet connection.
—by Ron Goff
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