Adding a little Flash to applications is a common approachweb developers take as they strive to meet today’s buzzwordcompliance. Maximizing interoperability and data exchange byleveraging web Services to allow application-to-applicationcommunication has revolutionized the Web business model. It’s hardto imagine the Internet today without the Web service APIs of,among many others, Google, Yahoo and Amazon. This article shows howto easily accomplish both of these modern Web development demandsby using the extremely powerful and light-weight PHP framework,Yii.—by Jeff Winesett
Best practices for PHP such as unit testing or documentationwriting are getting more and more widespread. But how do you ensurethat the unit tests are run each and every time, or that yourdocumentation gets built? You’d need some sort of automatic processthat does these tasks for you every time you integrate your pieceof software within the project. This is exactly what ContinuousIntegration can help you with.—by Felix De Vliegher
Learn how to develop custom modules for OXID eShop CE, a GPLshopping cart system with a well-defined, extensible moduleAPI.—by Vikram Vaswani
Sometimes, what PHP provides simply isn’t enough. But fearnot! The power of the Zend Engine has an answer. This articleexplores the basics of harnessing that power to build your owncustom PHP extensions.—by Gwynne Amaya Raskind
Write PHP once, run anywhere—withanything.—by Marcel Esser
Need to scale your web application but finding the cost ofphysical services too much for your budget? Cloud services may bejust the answer for you.—by Ben Ramsey
Programming large systems can be challenging. Dependenciesbetween parts of the code make it very easy to fix a feature on oneside of the code base only to break something on the other.Continuous Integration is a practice that helps fight problems likethis and helps improving the quality of code. Elsewhere in thisissue, Felix De Vliegher has a tutorial on how to work withContinuous Integration in PHP. In this column, Ivo looks at whyContinuous Integration is important. Where Felix’ article tells youhow to do it, Ivo’s will show you why—by Ivo Jansch
Just because you are following good security practices, itdoes not mean you are safe. Learn where you may still be atrisk.—by Arne Blankerts
Get a glimpse into the purpose and the madness that is behindCodeWorks.—by Marco Tabini
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