Queues With PHPs SplQueue

by · December 21, 2022


As developers, we have times when we get to process a lot of data. Sometimes it’s a few kilobytes of data and we don’t need to worry about the performance because computers are so fast. When we’re looking at gigabytes or more of data then we need to be aware of the performance of our […]

Semantic Versioning

by · November 29, 2022


When new software comes out it has a version number like 8.2.0. If you’re confused about what that means you’re not alone. The software industry needed a standard way to describe software releases so we as consumers of the software could determine how big of a change it was and determine if we should upgrade. […]

Linked Lists With SplDoublyLinkedList

by · November 13, 2022


     As developers, we have times when we get to process a lot of data. Sometimes it’s a few kilobytes of data and we don’t need to worry about the performance of our algorithms because computers are so fast. When we’re looking at gigabytes or more of data we need to be aware […]

The PHP DateTime Class

by · October 23, 2022


As a developer, you're going to run into situations where you need to perform some kind of operation on a date or time. You might need to see how far apart two dates are, add several days to the date, or convert a string sent to us by an end user into something we can […]

What’s Changed in PHP 8.2

by · October 12, 2022


PHP 8.2 will be released on November 24, 2022, and at the top level, there's nothing that's going to blow your socks off, but this is a good thing. PHP is at a point where it's stabilizing, so we shouldn't expect huge changes all the time, especially because it's a minor release. There are some […]

October 2022 Editorial: One Year Later

by · October 11, 2022

The State of PHP Cover

In an industry where you must keep learning, improving your skill set, and adjusting to new concepts and implementations, taking on new challenges that you are initially uncomfortable with is normal. Because of this, when John and I were presented with the option of taking over the operations of php[architect], we didn’t hesitate to jump […]

Writing Cleaner More Resilient Code With Value Objects

by · September 25, 2022


As developers, we should always be striving to learn new methods to reduce the number of bugs in our code. Some methods require us to completely re-architect our code, but sometimes there are those hidden gems that we can quickly add to our code base that will immediately help us and require just a little […]

Deploying Our Code With Deployer 7 0

by · September 3, 2022


 As a developer, you probably love to create new features in your applications to help your users solve their problems. Eventually, you have to get that code to a server so it can be used. If you’re like me and are using a framework, that process can involve multiple steps. You might need to […]

PHP Blueprint

by · July 26, 2022


This month John and Eric discuss some of the greater articles coming in the August 2022 release, “PHP Blueprint”. Articles include Feature contributions “Converting relational database models into a graph” and “Universal Vim”. We also have The Workshop “Blueprinting our Application”, DDD Alley “Exploring Boundaries”, PHP Puzzles “Decimals to Fractions”, Finally “The Dangerous Safety of […]

Database Freedom

by · June 29, 2022


This month John and Eric discuss some of the greater articles coming in the July 2022 release, “Database Freedom”. We start off with two great feature articles, “Customizing Drupal Feeds For Smooth Migrations” by Doug Groene and “MongoDB and PHP—-A Perfect Match” by Joel Lord. Our monthly columnists have been hard at work as well. […]

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