Interview with Tomas Votruba

by · October 2, 2021


Eric van Johnson and John Congdon interview Tomas Votruba, who wrote an article on Why Would Anyone Want to Downgrade Their PHP Code? in the September 2021 issue. Topics Covered Downgrading PHP Code and why this might be a good workflow for you Rector – Instant Upgrades and Automated Refactoring The power of automated refactoring.

Upgrading code with Rector, CQRS, Livewire, is PHP the Worst?, and more

by · September 23, 2021


Eric, John, and Oscar talk about changes behind the screen and the September 2021 issue, It’s Really an Upgrade. Topics Covered Changes in ownership at php[architect] The Rector project: using it to upgrade and downgrade library code. CQRS: using it to scale database reads and writes. JWTs and Security Livewire and JavaScript front end frameworks […]

Education Station: PHP is the Worst

by · September 15, 2021


By Chris Tankersley I have been programming for nearly twenty years at this point, and I have worked in various languages. At many of my previous jobs, as well as my current one, I have had the pleasure of working with PHP as the core language of my job. Since the first time I started […]

Functional PHP, Laravel Horizon, MFA, Testing with Pest, Taylor Otwell, and more

by · August 30, 2021


Eric, John, and Oscar sit down to go over the August 2021 issue, Trimming One’s Sails. Topics Covered Grokking algebraic structures and functional programming with PHP Laravel Horizon and diving into worker queues Multi-factor authentication and why you should use add it to your application. Testing with Pest PHP and how it’s different from PhpUnit. […]

Interview with Scott Keck-Warren

by · August 25, 2021


Eric van Johnson and John Congdon interview Scott Keck-Warren, who wrote an article on Boosting User Perceived Performance with Laravel Horizon, in the August 2021 issue. Topics Covered Getting started programming with QBasic Working with PHP, Laravel, and picking up new languages. Scaling with queues and tasks to send surveys and synchronize data. The benefits […]

finally{}: Stepping Through

by · August 15, 2021


By Beth Tucker Long Sometimes you need something tried and true, and sometimes you need to escape the daily grind and try something new. I spend a lot of time debugging. I mean, A. LOT. As a consultant, debugging is about 90% of my work, with the other 10% being meetings, or so it seems […]

Interview with Ken Marks

by · July 30, 2021


Eric van Johnson and John Congdon talk to Ken Marks about his article in the July issue, Mentoring and Teaching PHP and his new book PHP Web Development with MySQL Topics Covered How he got started writing and why he wrote a book. How he teaches students to build web applications with PHP and MySQL. […]

Elasticsearch, Teaching PHP, Design Patterns, People, Joe Watkins, and more

by · July 29, 2021


Listen to Eric, John, and Oscar discuss the articles in the July 2021 issue, Deep Dive into Search. Topics Covered Using Elasticsearch in an application. Archery (for some reason). Password complexity and entropy. Why you should use a password manager. Eric’s interview with Joe Watkins about Bus Factors. Teaching and mentoring new developers. Rocky Linux, […]

Mentoring and Teaching PHP

by · July 15, 2021


By Ken Marks Hiring a new developer is a risky endeavor. What if they don’t work out? What if they get bored? What if our organization’s needs change? In this article, we’ll discuss what it takes to foster a learning environment for your tech team, why you should encourage learning, what it takes to be […]

Debugging, Automation, GitHub Actions, Bug Bounties, and API Security

by · July 7, 2021


Eric, John, and Oscar chat about the articles in the June 2021 issue, Debug, Rinse, Repeat. Topics Covered Debugging Git Hooks and Automation Make files GitHub Actions Bug Bounties Docker Swarm Longhorn PHP and in-person conferences. Approaches for Securing APIs Contributing to Open-Source

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