Building Beautiful Interactive Websites with concrete5
It’s crunch time: the designer has handed you the HTML for a new project, and the client is breathing down your neck to turn it into a fully functioning website. They need it now, but they’re wary of custom CMS, hacked WordPress installs, or confusing administration consoles. The worst part? They know they’re going to need more functionality, but they don’t know what it is yet. Don’t sweat it – concrete5 is here to help. –by Andrew Embler
Integrating Facebook Badges as Widgets on WordPress MU
The modularization of plug-ins in WordPress (WP) provides a very tangible and approachable means of extending the product’s functionality. With a proper separation of functionality and presentation, the ability to extend the product beyond a simple CMS or blogging platform is endless. This article will take you through the creation of a simple WP plug-in to incorporate Facebook badges that can be used with your WP Multi-User (WPMU) install. –by Valentin Secades
Building a Content Management System
There are so many content management systems (CMS) in PHP – both open and closed source – that it’s almost impossible to count them. The web is infested with these CMS’s, all of which thrive, procreate and mutate according to technological headways, customer needs or bandwagon effects. –by Damien Pitard
Easy APIs with FRAPI
Frameworks and APIs are two hot topics right now, but these aren’t mutually exclusive. Unlike general frameworks, there is only one framework just for APIs. Introducing FRAPI: The REST API Framework. –by Davey Shafik
How to Make a Self-Contained User Module for Zend Framework
There you are, you’re excited about having scored another contract, and without too much thought, you start to design and code the application…but you get that familiar feeling that a lot of the functionality will be a lot like most of your other applications that you’ve written. There must be a way to create reusable components. Well, there is! –by Matthew Setter
Bug Zapper: A Bug-fix Attempt for Zend Framework
After fixing last month’s bug, three more bugs related to Zend_Filter_Input popped up, so this month, we’re going to tackle all three. –by Bart McLeod
Community Corner: Wisdom Pool
One of the benefits of being part of the PHP community is that you get to talk a lot about PHP projects that make life easier: from content management systems (CMS) to cool social web projects. –by Michelangelo van Dam
Security Corner: Headache?
Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) is an old problem, and one every developer by now should have at least heard of. Yet, it keeps popping up in the OWASP top 10, making it still one of the most “famous” mistakes in modern web development. –by Arne Blankerts
exit(0): One Hundred and One Columns
We’ve seen where PHP has been, but where is it heading? –by Marco Tabini
Editorial: What a Customer Wants
They want to have their cake and eat it too. –by Elizabeth Tucker Long