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Command and Control – June 2018

Staying on top of what your code is doing is imperative if you want to keep your sanity. At the start, this means defining how and what your software does. Later, you have to track its evolution as you add features and fix bugs. In this issue, our contributors share techniques and tools to help you do so.

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Domain-Driven Architecture With Commands and Events

By Barney Hanlon

In this article, we’re going to look at using event and command buses to fulfil the use Cases of Uncle Bob’s Clean Code Architecture. By using commands and events, we will help our code have meaningful names for domain-driven design, as well as clear points to abstract our system logic.

Pro Parsing Techniques With PHP, Part One: Simplifying Your Parsing Strategy

By Michael Schrenk

Something nearly every PHP developer does is develop scripts that parse, or extract, information from text documents. There are many reasons why parsing is important, ranging from scraping information from webpages, parsing email messages, searching for specific entries in text files, or to authenticate events in a log file. And while parsing text is a common activity, there is very little instruction on how to extract desired information from a text file. This is the first of a three article series on parsing text with PHP. This installment is a quick primer on how to simplify your parsing strategy.

Design Is for Designers

By Steve Bennett

All too often developers are tasked with aesthetic decisions and designers tasked with programmatic decisions. Blurring the lines of an aesthetically oriented mind or programmatically oriented mind creates multiple layers of inefficiency during the project lifecycle, bloating your project budget and timeline. Let’s look at how the right process can remove these inefficiencies and improve the quality of your product.

Self-Host Your Team’s Git With Gitolite

By Gabriel Zerbib

If you wish to set up a private Git server for your personal, work, or team projects, but favor free software and simple architecture, or don’t want a service hosted by a third party, then Gitolite is the solution for you.

The Dev Lead Trenches: What Not To Do

By Chris Tankersley

Over the last nine months, I have talked about all of the things you should be doing as a technical and developer lead. There are many things that you should be doing, and I hope that so far the advice has helped. These are some of the habits and problems I have seen as developers move into the more managerial role a lead developer actually is.

The Workshop: CakePHP, Part One

By Joe Ferguson

Welcome to the first installment of The Workshop, a column where we try out new tools and techniques to hone our craft. We’ll be covering frameworks, packages, tools, and exploring topics related to the PHP development ecosystem. This month we’re going to jump into CakePHP. CakePHP has recently released version 3.6 of their full stack framework.

Education Station: Build an API, Part Three

By Edward Barnard

In this series, we look at using Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and specification by example to develop a RESTful API. In Part Three, we focus on the HTTP verbs directing any RESTful API. Understanding where and when to use HTTP verbs will inform how we structure our API and affects the developer experience.

Security Corner: Composing Application Security

By Eric Mann

Package managers like Composer make it quick and easy to add third-party libraries to an application. Unfortunately, they can also make it easy to import code that’s not meant to run in production—and might intentionally expose certain vulnerabilities—if your development team isn’t careful.

Community Corner: Beyond PHP

By James Titcumb

Over the last few years, PHP has grown up and become a much nicer language to work with. The introduction of scalar parameter types, return types, and a host of other features has vastly improved the capability of the language, with more additions being discussed and thought up. But writing PHP applications isn’t just about writing PHP, because the web is not made up of a single language. While PHP has proven itself to be a very versatile language, it’s worth remembering there are other options out there that may be better suited to the job at hand.

finally{}: Open Source & Commercial Entities

By Eli White

In a way, that title is misleading, because, in the end, this article is going to be primarily about the Microsoft acquisition of GitHub. However, it’s a great time to use that as a discussion point of the merits of the various methods of providing software, and how companies choose to get involved with open source as well.

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