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How to Tame Your Data

June 2019

The firehose of data grows daily, and we’re continually looking for tools to help us sort it, filter it, and manage it ever expanding rates. In this issue, we’ve collected programming techniques, database, and operational tools to keep it all manageable.

Serverless PHP With Bref, Part Two

By Rob Allen

In part one of this series, I introduced serverless applications and looked at how Bref makes it easy to develop and deploy serverless PHP functions to AWS Lambda with a simple hello world function. Serverless functions don’t live in a vacuum and tend to integrate with other services, let’s turn our attention to what a complete serverless application looks like by building a static website hosted on S3 which is updated using a PHP Lambda function. by Rob Allen

Containerizing Production PHP

By Michael Akopov

Most developers are aware of Docker, containers, and their general use cases. Maybe you even run it on your local machine. If you’ve ever wanted to take your application, containerize it and run it in production, this article is for you. Building applications for a container world requires a new way of thinking and building apps that are resilient, reproducible, and scalable. This article walks through taking a simple PHP application written in Laravel, containerizing it, building and deploying the images within GitLab, and then leveraging GitLab’s CI/CD pipeline to deploy to production.

Map, Filter, and Reduce in PHP

By Derek Binkley

Even though MapReduce was created for parallelization, which PHP does not natively support, the syntax is supported. In this article, I outline how to use map, filter, and reduce with PHP collections and the benefits you can gain over traditional for loops.

Three Interesting MySQL 8.0 Features for Developers

By Dave Stokes

There are many new features in MySQL 8.0, but there are some that may not have caught your eye that are very handy for developers. Some, like invisible indexes, histograms, and true descending indexes are probably a little too deep down the DBA rabbit hole for most PHP Developers; there are three that can immediately benefit the average PHP Developer.

Education Station: Data Structures, Part Two

By Chris Tankersley

Last month I talked about how, despite PHP arrays being one of the nicest things about the language, there were times where real data structures could help. There were various ways to use arrays as more “traditional” data structures, as well as the options provided by the Standard PHP Library, or SPL. If you can install PHP extensions, there is an actual Data Structures extension which implements actual data structures at the C level. This lets you use traditional data structures that can work better than bare arrays or the SPL. This month we will dive deeper into the Data Structure extension.

Internal Apparatus: Memoization

By Edward Barnard

Memoization is another form of memory use. I see it regularly used for improving application performance, but it’s also used to improve compiler performance. To learn the concept, we’ll use a PHP project with database tables, then look at other ways to use the technique.

Security Corner: Credentials and Secrets Management

By Eric Mann

Managing passwords in userland is complicated. Luckily, consumer tools like 1Password and LastPass make it easier than ever to protect user credentials. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help with the credentials used by our servers or code. The ways developers manage application credentials are legion; some are right, others fatally flawed.

Community Corner: Philosophy and Burnout, Part Two—Logic Fails

By Margaret Staples

There are three main ways your personal philosophy can fend off burnout that we’re focusing on in this series. The first, we looked at last time: finding peace with the limits of our knowledge. Next time, we’ll wrap up our look at this topic by examining the guiding principles we use to frame our perspective when perceiving our situations and making decisions. In this article, we’ll dig into identifying and avoiding logical fallacies (brain traps).

finally{}: Conferences and Community

By Eli White

So as someone who runs conferences for the community (And does so full-time, so does need to make a buck or two), I wanted to address a recent discussion that came up on twitter. A gentleman who was running a design conference in Dallas (for only $200 ticket price), was ranting about speakers, and how dare they ask for hotel and travel coverage for just going a 50-minute talk. I’d like to use this as a discussion launching point about events in general, and the costs involved in putting them on.

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[…] article is in the June 2019 issue of php[architect]. If you don’t have a subscription, now may be a good time to take one […]

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