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Database Freedom

July 2022

Team building and continuing education is an underutilized activity by most companies. I believe that it can make the difference between a successful and a failing company. I had the pleasure of taking part in a developer group extended education and team-building meeting in June.

MongoDB and PHP—A Perfect Match

By Joel Lord

Modern applications require modern tooling. MongoDB has increasingly become a popular choice for building large-scale PHP applications. It is a convenient and intuitive way to use data. This article will show you how to use MongoDB and PHP together. by Joel Lord

Customizing Drupal Feeds For Smooth Migrations

By Doug Groene

With custom Feeds Tamper plugins, you can easily build a set of reusable data manipulation tools to fit the quirks of your data and greatly simplify some Drupal migration and data import projects. by Doug Groene

The Workshop: PHP from Virtual Machine to Compose

By Joe Ferguson

Containers are here to stay, and if you’ve been putting off learning how to migrate a PHP application from a VM to containers, we have you covered this month as we migrate a long-standing Laravel application from running on Linux via Apache and MariaDB. Our application also utilizes Redis for caching, so we need to include this in our container plan. by Joe Ferguson

Security Corner: Demystifying Multifactor Authentication

By Eric Mann

Authentication by way of a username and password is well understood. Adding an extra authentication factor—like a smartphone—to the mix helps strengthen a login flow. But what exactly is an authentication factor, and what are the trade-offs between each one? by Eric Mann

Artisan Way: Refactor to Enums in Laravel

By Marian Pop

You can create a custom type that is limited to one of a discrete number of potential values by using enumerations, sometimes known as “Enums.” Because it allows for “making incorrect states unrepresentable,” this is particularly useful when constructing a domain model. by Marian Pop

Education Station: What is Git Doing?

By Chris Tankersley

When developers get started, the first thing they want to do is write code. Writing code is the fun part of the job or hobby, and as developers, we love to type in some text, hit refresh, and see our changes. Most of the time, the code we write does not work, so we have to keep trying until we get it right. Once it works, we cherish that code. by Chris Tankersley

DDD Alley: Structure by Use Case

By Edward Barnard

This month we’re introducing the Strategic Domain-Driven Design pattern that we’ll be repeating over and over as we build out our project. by Edward Barnard

Drupal Dab: Create a Custom Module in Drupal 9

By Nicola Pignatelli

This series of articles will teach you how to create a custom module and use its main features. It assumes you installed Drupal using composer, as I explained in my previous article (PHP Architect April 2022). by Nicola Pignatelli

PHP Puzzles: The Birthday Paradox

By Oscar Merida

We look at a solution to a problem that is not intuitive at first glance—the birthday paradox. Instead of calculating probabilities directly, we’ll use a simple simulation to solve the problem. by Oscar Merida

PSR Pickup: PSR-7 HTTP Message Interface

By Frank Wallen

This month we’ll be looking at PSR-7, the HTTP Message Interface. Handling HTTP messages is crucial to web development. Request messages come into the server, are processed, and content is constructed and packaged into a response message and then sent back to the requesting entity. It sounds relatively simple on the surface, but it drives our internet experience. Requests and responses must be appropriately formed and follow the essential requirements and protocols. The intention of PHP-FIG’s HTTP Message Interface is exactly that, building structure around those requirements, so developers know what to expect and how to respond. by Frank Wallen

finally{}: Blind

By Beth Tucker Long

It has been a while since I’ve worked on in-person conferences, but with events starting back up, conference planning has started up again as well. I recently chatted with someone about improving diversity in speaker line-ups. This is a very difficult topic, but one I am very passionate about, so before we get too far into this article, I want you all to know that if anyone is interested in improving the diversity of your speaker line-up, I’m happy to talk through your process and offer suggestions. by Beth Tucker Long

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