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PHP Blueprint

August 2022

As I got older, I expected to decrease my hours but had always planned to write software part-time. After all, I use my brain, not my body, for work, so I should be set as I age. I could travel and work part-time from anywhere forever. Right?

Converting Relational Database Models Into a Graph

By Ghlen Nagels

In this article, we will explore the wonderful world of Graph Databases. After discussing the myriad reasons that might prod you to change paradigms, we will actually do it with PHP! by Ghlen Nagels

Universal Vim Part One—No Plugins Required

By Andrew Woods

Vim is a powerful editor with a long history. It’s the most popular of the descendants of Vi. Over the last couple of years, a fork of Vim was born called Neovim. This article will provide you with a Vim configuration file that can be used across both Vim and Neovim. by Andrew Woods

PHP Puzzles: Decimals to Fractions

By Oscar Merida

In this installment, we look again at working with floating-point values. We approach how to take a decimal number and represent it as a fraction. by Oscar Merida

Education Station: Using Git to Your Advantage

By Chris Tankersley

In the last article, “What is Git Doing?” we explored the details of how Git works. Now we will see how we can rewrite history and time using Git. by Chris Tankersley

The Workshop: Blueprinting our Application

By Joe Ferguson

This month we’re exploring a programming concept known as Scaffolding. Scaffolding is the process of using an application to generate code based on some input or configuration file. Just as construction workers raise temporary structures to help perform their work, we can expect similarly. Automatically generating code is a wonderful idea but questions always arise with “how good is the code?” by Joe Ferguson

DDD Alley: Exploring Boundaries

By Edward Barnard

Last month “Structure by Use Case” introduced the Bounded Context pattern we’ll be using over and over as we structure our software by use case. This month we’re diving more deeply into the boundaries, the crossing points, and the software layers created by this pattern. by Edward Barnard

Security Corner: Broken Authentication

By Eric Mann

One of the most foundational elements of security is clear communication. If we fail to use the correct language to communicate, we risk being misunderstood and making critical software mistakes. by Eric Mann

Drupal Dab: Creating Content Types in Drupal 9

By Nicola Pignatelli

Today you will create files to generate content type programmatically. At the end of this article, you will learn to create a simple content type with a text field and another content type with a paragraph field, which contains a set of fields. by Nicola Pignatelli

finally{}: The Dangerous Safety of Comfort

By Beth Tucker Long

Muscle memory is our absolutely amazing ability to train our bodies to do things without us needing to think through each movement/action individually. This is super helpful in many ways. by Beth Tucker Long

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