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The State of PHP

October 2022

In an industry where you must keep learning, improving your skill set, and adjusting to new concepts and implementations, taking on new challenges that you are initially uncomfortable with is normal. Because of this, when John and I were presented with the option of taking over operations of php[architect], we didn’t hesitate to jump at the opportunity.

Finite-state Machines with PHP 8.1

By Scott Keck-Warren

Keeping track of the state of entities in our application can be a real pain sometimes. This article will show how to use Finite-state Machines to ease that pain. by Scott Keck-Warren

Universal Vim Part Three: Putting the You in Utility

By Andrew Woods

We complete our quest to craft a universal vim experience. We add a few utilities to increase your speed, agility, and efficacy to be more effective in Vim. by Andrew Woods

PHP Puzzles: Converting Float Strings

By Oscar Merida

Converting data is never as straightforward as we’d initially expect. Users can enter data incorrectly or in the wrong format. On the other hand, computers may not have trouble working with some data. For this article, we look again at floating-point values. by Oscar Merida

Education Station: Making Our Own Web Server: Part 1

By Chris Tankersley

Why does PHP not work like a lot of other “modern” web languages, and what happens if we want it to work without a web server? Sure, we have the PHP development server, but it has always been labeled as for development only. Why is PHP the way it is, and can we make PHP process its own requests? by Chris Tankersley

The Workshop: Cheating at SPA with Breeze & Inertia

By Joe Ferguson

This month we’re diving into a fresh Laravel application using the Breeze package to scaffold our authentication using Inertia and Vue.js. No previous Vue experience is required! We’re exploring the ability to quickly build modern single-page applications with Inertia leveraging Vue.js components to build our application. If you previously used Laravel’s make auth commands, you’ll find Breeze to be an updated and modern implementation of user registration, password reset, and functionality using Vue.js and Inertia by default. React is also supported if you would rather use it over Vue. by Joe Ferguson

DDD Alley: Application Event Walkthrough

By Edward Barnard

This month presents a relatively quick code walkthrough even though this feature is more complex than the previous chapter. We’ll see the structure is similar to the Domain Event feature. We’ll focus on those points important to developing your instinct with Strategic Domain-Driven Design. by Edward Barnard

Security Corner: Cybersecurity Checkup

By Eric Mann

October is recognized as Cybersecurity Awareness Month in the United States. It’s a great opportunity to stop, take stock of your current security stance, and make incremental improvements where possible. by Eric Mann

Artisan Way: Laracon Online 2022

By Eric Van Johnson

During this time of the virtual lifestyle, Laracon Online has been one of the better and most engaging online conferences out. I mean, in my opinion, it doesn’t even come close to a good in-person conference, like hmm, I don’t know, maybe php[tek] 2023 in Chicago. But as for virtual, Laracon Online is really well organized, and last month’s broadcast was no exception. by Eric Van Johnson

finally{}: Beware: Tek is Disruptive

By Beth Tucker Long

In between where we start and how we end up, lies the journey. It’s usually filled with uncertainty along the way; however, we’re often grateful for the path we took in the end. by Beth Tucker Long

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