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The PHP Gambit: Winning Strategies in Code

February 2024

Every month, we here at php[architect], as well as an extended group of fantastic PHP community members from around the world, work very hard to deliver a magazine that will help equip you with not just the knowledge but also the perspective needed to navigate the complexities of managing projects and day to day coding. As the PHP landscape evolves, staying informed and adaptable is key. We hope this issue serves as both a compass and a map, guiding you through the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in PHP development.

A Comparative Analysis of Swoole vs Roadrunner

By Matt Lantz

by Matt Lantz

Dear Past Me, What were you thinking?

By Beth Tucker Long

by Beth Tucker Long

Is Your Code Documented Enough To Help?

By Christopher Miller

So Far In The Series, we’ve looked at Planning, Abstraction, Encapsulation, and Testing. That’s a good place to start – the last major section to set out our groundwork is the dreaded thing of Documentation. As developers, we’re naturally divided into a dichotomy of documentation – we either love it and document all the things or hate it and document none of the things. I advocate for a place in the middle – Document the things we need documented, not the things we don’t. by Christopher Miller

Symfony UX: Part 2

By Chris Tankersly

Despite our best efforts, even back-end developers may be required to write some front-end code. While the JavaScript community is returning to server-side rendering and returning HTML instead of JSON, PHP developers find themselves increasingly needing to add interactivity to their websites and applications. by Chris Tankersly

PSRs In Action: PHP League Event Package

By Frank Wallen

An Event Dispatcher is a well-used and battle-tested design principle where developers can easily inject functionality into an application, especially legacy applications.By dispatching events in your application, you can dramatically reduce the complexity of refactoring your code. by Frank Wallen

Cheating is Encouraged

By Eric Mann

“Never memorize something you can look up.” – Albert Einstein. by Eric Mann

Transitional Implementation, Part 1

By Edward Barnard

Our transitional PHP code looks odd. It’s counterintuitive. But it makes highly efficient use of developer effort. This code walkthrough explains the reasons behind our methods. Part 1 presents the basic architecture. Part 2 explains why we’re doing it this way. by Edward Barnard

API Essentials: A Developer’s Guide to Authentication, Validation, and DTOs

By Steve McDougall

This article is aimed to walk you through how I handle requests in my API projects – typically Laravel at the moment. What I do, why I do it, and where I think it could be improved. by Steve McDougall

Five Card Stud

By Oscar Merida

Last month, we solved how to model and shuffle a deck of cards. In this article, we’ll look at how to identify the poker hands we deal out. by Oscar Merida

Using Different Browsers

By Maxwell Ivey

by Maxwell Ivey

Domain Driven Design is great; but don’t stress about it.

By Jack Peterson

by Jack Peterson

An Overview of Domain-Driven Design

By Rob Allen

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an approach to software development that focuses on understanding and dealing with complex business needs. We will explore the strengths of DDD, including its approach to structuring software around an abstract model of a business problem and creating a ‘ubiquitous language’ for communication among developers and domain experts. We’ll look at the strategic and tactical aspects of DDD and show that the central benefit of this approach is improved collaboration, better understanding of business processes, and ultimately, better and more flexible software. by Rob Allen

Responses and Pingbacks

This magazine provides a comprehensive exploration of effective PHP development tactics, offering valuable insights for developers at all levels. I strongly recommend to read it and leverage the PHP development.

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