Type hints, SOLID programming, burn out, and more

by · November 23, 2020


Listen to Eric, John, and Oscar discuss the articles in the November 2020 issue, SOLID Foundations Topics Covered OSMI 2020 Mental Health in Tech Survey. Practical uses for scalar type hints in PHP. SOLID principles for programming. The peculiarities of floating point math and handling money calculations as a result. Using locks to prevent race […]

Editor Bytes – SOLID Foundations

by · November 17, 2020


Editor-in-chief Oscar Merida looks into the November 2020 issue, SOLID Foundations.

Asynchronous programming, testing, race conditions, mental health in tech, and more

by · October 28, 2020


Listen to Eric, John, and Oscar discuss the articles in the October 2020 issue, Running Parallel. Topics Covered OSMI 2020 Mental Health in Tech Survey. Asynchronous PHP with Swoole. Scaling and other use cases for serverless tasks, like file uploads. This month’s puzzle on cleaning up directions. Paying down technical debt with unit tests. Finding […]

Interview with Demin Yin on Swoole

by · October 27, 2020


Demin Yin, evangelist for Swoole, joins Eric Van Johnson and John Congdon to talk about the project and more. Topics Covered Writing event-driven, non-blocking PHP applications. Supporting for asynchronous programming and concurrent processes. Performance of Swoole for handling millions of requests. Taking advantage of extensions to add new features or improve performance. Integrations with PHP […]

More Than Asynchronous I/O, Introduction To Swoole PHP

by · October 23, 2020


By Bruce Dou Swoole PHP is a coroutine based asynchronous network application framework. It is a PHP extension that extends PHP core and utilizes more power provided by Linux OS. Unlike the callback style single thread asynchronous I/O provided by the other networking libraries like Node.js, Swoole PHP has multiple asynchronous I/O threads and native […]

Editor Bytes – Parallel Running

by · October 8, 2020


Editor-in-chief Oscar Merida looks into the October 2020 issue, Parallel Running.

Middleware, Serializing Objects,

by · September 30, 2020


This episode looks at the September 2020 issue, Under the Scope. Topics covered Using middleware, especially in legacy applications. Use cases for serializing PHP objects. Cleaning up directions and cleaning up data sets. Development tools you should have, like Mailhog and ngrok. Development environments with WSL and Docker. Using Mozilla Observatory to assess site security. […]

Interview with Terri Morgan

by · September 23, 2020


Eric and John chat with Terri Morgan about her article on project metrics in the September 2020 issue. Topics Covered Providing valid metrics for project managers. Establishing “where you want to go” as your project goal. Defining deliverables and when you’ll have them. Managing scope creep. Speaking and attending conferences. Being a polyglot programmer.

Community Corner: PHP 8 Release Managers: Interview with Sara Golemon and Gabriel Caruso, Part Three

by ·


By Eric Van Johnson Part three concludes my interview with the PHP 8 Release Managers about PHP Internals. We touch on getting started contributing to internals via RFCs, becoming release managers, the commitment required by that role, and how the project’s release cycles have evolved. Being a Release Manager I have to be honest Gabriel, […]

PHP and Database Access

by · September 11, 2020


In its early days, the Internet was all about sharing static data like images, flat text files, and downloadable binaries. The early Internet’s static nature was useful in for sharing information. In many ways, the ability to tie static web pages to the dynamic content resident in enterprise databases allowed us to build new kinds of applications. This is where, in many respects, PHP shines.

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