Serverless PHP With Bref, Part One

by · May 9, 2019


In recent years, a different way to build applications has arisen called serverless computing. This term is not a good name; I’m reminded of the adage that there are two hard problems in programming: naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors. Serverless computing as a name implies no servers, but there are servers—you don’t think about them though. A better way to think about it is that the servers and the management of them are abstracted away and the provider manages the allocation of resources, not the application architect.

Frontend Fundamentals and Chris Hartjes

by · April 25, 2019

php[podcast] logo over stylized tablet screen

Eric, John, and Oscar record together again to discuss the April 2019 issue on the new frontend fundamentals, php[tek], and quite a lot more about web browsers than anyone anticipated.

Meet the php[tek] Security Chairs

by · April 15, 2019

php[tek] 2019 Security track chairs

We’ve re-imagined the format of php[tek] this year in response to feedback from past attendees. We kept hearing a desire for a more cohesive, curated conference schedule which allows speakers to dig deeper into a topic than a general 50-minute talk permits. So we’re organizing the talks into eight focused tracks, where one talk builds […]

Building Bridges

by · March 25, 2019


In this Episode We’re trying a new format in this episode. Eric, John, and Oscar recorded together. Let us know what you think of the new format? Should we keep it? Topics Eric and John get a look behind the scenes into what goes into producing each magazine issue. Call for Writers – get feedback […]

Editor’s Desk: PHP 7.4 RFCs, Symfony Speaker Workshop, Call for Writers

by · March 18, 2019


Editor-in-Chief Oscar Merida records a mini-episode. In this first one, he looks at some RFCs submitted for PHP 7.4 and 8.0, and a new tool for detecting memory leaks with PHP Unit.

Migrating Legacy Web Applications to Laravel

by ·

Migrating Legacy Web Applications to Laravel

PHP is reclaiming its rightful place as the go-to language for web application development. For those of us maintaining and developing applications using legacy frameworks, the grass certainly looks greener on Laravel’s side. In this article, I show how to do an in-place migration from a legacy framework to Laravel.

Episode 17 – Out on a Limb

by · February 26, 2019


LIsten to this episode covering diversity in tech with Jill Binder and Lukas Kawhe Smith, upgrading to PHP 7.3, finding dead code, scaling your web applications, and more.

Community Corner: A New Sponsorship Framework

by · February 15, 2019


A little over a year ago my team lead looked at my first few months as a Developer Evangelist and decided that since I was already doing work for and with underrepresented developers, we should try making that one of the communities I officially serve.

Episode 16 – Remotely Working

by · February 5, 2019

Pocast logo on an undersea scene

Eric Van Johnson, John Congdon, Jennifer Wadella, and Oscar Merida are featured in the first episode of 2019. Topics include remote working, AWS S3 integrations, Jenkins, DevOps, and more.

php[tek] 2019 Schedule is Live

by · January 18, 2019

php[tek] 2018 May 21-23 in Atlanta, GA

We’ve posted the schedule for php[tek] 2019 over at We’ll be returning to Atlanta, Georgia for a third year this May. Read on to see the new tracks format, planned sessions, and meet our speakers.

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