2018 Audience Survey

by · September 11, 2018


Give your feedback! Our 2018 audience survey is online to help gauge how we can provide what you need to be a better developer. Whether you subscribe to the magazine, listen to the podcast, or just visit phparch.com, I want to here from you. I’m no fan of long surveys so I’ve kept it short […]

Magniphpicent 7.3 – September 2018

by · September 4, 2018


In this issue: Xdebug, Freelancing, Parsing text, MySQL Generated Columns, Gitflow, PhpStorm, and more.

Episode 12: Whole lot of Xdebug

by · August 29, 2018


In this episodes, Eric and John discuss freelancing and how it changed John’s life, regular expressions, and PhpStorm. They interview Mark Niebergall on his Xdebug article, his day to day work, and working remotely. Also included, Oscar talks about the value of debugging tools in general.

Pro Parsing Techniques With PHP, Part Three Using Regular Expressions

by · August 28, 2018


Regular expressions, or sometimes simply called regex, represent a powerful set of tools which allow developers to split strings, perform character substitutions, and extract text based on matched patterns. The patterns, used in regular expressions, are an actual language that describe combinations of type castings and values that match the text you want to split, substitute, or extract. Regular expressions are an enormously powerful tool for the developer who understands them.

Masterful Code Management – August 2018

by · August 3, 2018


In this issue: Xdebug, Freelancing, Parsing text, MySQL Generated Columns, Gitflow, PhpStorm, and more.

Episode 11

by · July 30, 2018


After a summer holiday, Eric van Johnson and John Congdon return with a new format and discuss Static Analysis, Domain Driven architecture, MySQL’s document store, and more.

MySQL Without The SQL—Oh My!

by · July 13, 2018

article title on illustration of boats sailing

Could you be working on a project without a database administrator to set up relational tables, indexes, and schemas? Or are you tired of embedding ugly lines of SQL in your pristine PHP code? There is new hope for you.

Navigating State – July 2018

by · July 2, 2018


In this issue: State machines, workflows, parsing text, MySQL without SQL, Continuous Integration, self-hosted git, CakePHP, Password Authentication, Issue Tracking, Algorithms, and more.

Self-Host Your Team’s Git With Gitolite

by · June 8, 2018


By Gabriel Zerbib If you wish to set up a private Git server for your personal, work, or team projects, but favor free software and simple architecture, or don’t want a service hosted by a third party, then Gitolite is the solution for you. Designed in 2005 by Linus Torvalds for the needs of the […]

Command and Control – June 2018

by · June 7, 2018


Using events and command buses, self-hosted git, design workflows, parsing text, a look at CakePHP, Composer security, and more

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