Education Station: Simple, Compact Time Range Creation with Period

by · July 17, 2017


See how to easily create and manipulate datetime ranges with Period, a library from the PHP League of Packages. From June 2017’s Education Station by Matthew Setter.

Safe at Speed – July 2017

by · July 10, 2017


In the July 2017 issue of the magazine: Google Cloud, Scalable Content Distribution, beyond jQuery, mental health, and more.

Cybersecurity State of the Union

by · June 12, 2017


by Mark Niebergall The cybersecurity landscape is continuously changing as new threats appear and attackers adapt. Data breaches, cyber attacks, identity theft, and scams show up regularly in the news and can have a significant negative impact to those affected by them. Keeping up with the latest cyber security trends, understanding the threats, and keeping […]

Secure by Design – June 2017

by · June 2, 2017


Learn about designing security into your application from the start in the June 2017 issue of the magazine.

Artisanal: Project Creation

by · May 17, 2017


Every developer has a set way of starting a new project. Most frameworks have a linear path to getting started, and Laravel is no exception. With a few commands, you can quickly get started configuring routes, writing controllers, and saving data in a database.

Uncanny PHP – May 2017

by · May 2, 2017


The April issue is available for download.This month, we look at multi-factor authentication, Homestead, Rocketeer deployments, API integrations, and more.

Spring Renewal – April 2017

by · April 3, 2017


The April issue is available for download.This month, we look at multi-factor authentication, Homestead, Rocketeer deployments, API integrations, and more.

Back to the Drawing Board – March 2017

by · March 1, 2017


The March issue of the magazine is ready for you to download. In this issue, we look at some server related technologies to keep your PHP application humming.

Conference Schedule Released for php[tek] 2017

by · January 12, 2017


Our conference chairs announced the lineup of speakers and talks for php[tek] 2016. It’s a great lineup, and you don’t have to just take our word for it. It’s shaping up to be a conference you don’t want to miss.

Blueprints for Success – January 2017

by · January 3, 2017


We have a new issue of the magazine to ring in the new year! This issue collects articles to help you plan and make your application and code better. These may be well-known design patterns, fundamental concepts, or novel applications of a familiar tool.

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